Dec 7, 2024

Women in Nude Recreation

Boosting self-esteem and body positivity

Women in Nude Recreation
2025 Calendar

Hi Travelers,

As you know by now, I post regularly to inform and educate on behalf of the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) on the many benefits of wholesome, non-sexual nude recreation.  And yet I’ve been remiss in not showcasing one very important sub-group within AANR.  It’s WINR, or Women In Nude Recreation.

The mission of WINR is:  “To inspire women to embrace nudism through community, camaraderie and connection.” WINR members passionately promote the many benefits of nudism by encouraging and supporting women through body acceptance and empowerment.  They share their first-person success stories about battling negative self-talk, as well as strategies for boosting self-esteem to create stronger mental well-being.

WINR ladies promote the concept of seeing the real beauty of an individual that lives inside the skin and bones.  Regardless of size, shape, scars, skin or amputations, each of us is beautiful and should feel free to project the beauty of the soul in order to make our imperfect world a little bit better. Another goal is to ensure women of every age, shape and size learn to love themselves exactly as they are, to grow from self-conscious to self-confident.


Body Acceptance

To accept ourselves just as we are can be a difficult thing to do. Society tries to embed their perception of what they want women to look like: thin but with large breasts, fit but not too fit.  To look inside ourselves and accept that we are a work of art is how we achieve body acceptance.

It Takes Time

It can’t be done all at once. It’s portioned out in waves. It is accompanied by being with other women who have learned to love themselves, embrace their imperfections, and just be.  When you finally accept yourself, your confidence level rises off the charts. You will find that you are strong and capable.


Each region of the country has WINR representatives working together to make sure women enjoy the comfort and safety of nude recreation.  Members have also participated in the publishing of an annual calendar.  The 2025 WOW Calendar features WINR members as God made them, and articulating with body paint words that have deep personal meaning for them as naturists: Authentic, Confident, Courage, Freedom, Proud, Survivor, Tenacious, Worthy, etc.  All proceeds from calendar sales go to AANR’s Education Foundation providing scholarships for students.  Cost is $20 plus shipping ($3-5), to order please message WINR Chairperson Andee Rodgers at

For more information on Women in Nude Recreation kindly visit:

Naturally yours,

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