Hi Travelers,
Just a reminder that this Saturday, July 13th is International Skinny Dip Day. Skinny-dipping, a wholesome tradition as old as mankind and frequently honored in art and movies, celebrates the natural joy of swimming without hindrance of clothing.
This year, though nudist organizations and clubs are not aiming for a new record, the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) encourages you to get out there and skinny dip with abandon. Though International Skinny Dip Day is July 13, 2024, Nude Recreation Week is running July 8-14 – an AANR tradition for 46 years.
Here's a bit of trivia for you: It’s been 14 years since the American Association for Nude Recreation and The Naturist Society co-sponsored (and set a record with 13,648 participants) during their first Guinness World Records Skinny-Dip.
Held on Saturday July 10, 2010, at 1:00pm Local Nudist Time, the event was an exciting finale to Nude Recreation Week. This event eventually led to the adoption of International Skinny Dip Day which is now celebrated annually during NRW.
Though AANR-affiliated clubs/resorts/campgrounds are not vying for any documented records, many are hosting their own skinny dip events, to which the public is invited.
And last but not least, globally National Nude Day is celebrated on July 14, 2024. The day celebrates the "freedom and the aesthetics of the human body." This holiday started in New Zealand and from there spread around the world where it’s observed in over 30 countries each year.
Got an inkling to jump in the pool of skinny-dipping? To find an AANR member resort or designated nude beach in your area and their schedule of events planned (such as open houses, dance parties, sports tournaments, chili cook-offs, bare buns fun runs, health screenings, art shows and more), visit https://www.aanr.com/club-locator/.
If you are not an AANR member but are interested in visiting a club, you should call the facility in advance to complete a background check and schedule your reservation. Enjoy!!!!

Naturally yours,
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