Jul 17, 2024 2 min read

Podcasts shed light on shedding one's clothes as naturists

benefits of wholesome nude recreation
Tune in and learn of the many benefits of wholesome nude recreation

Hi Travelers,

For the past few months I've been sharing background information on visiting clothing-optional and clothes-free resorts/campgrounds. These getaways are actually referred to as Nakation vacations!

I've even recommended a few venues that are affiliated with the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) – sort of the gold seal of approval on nudist resorts providing a wholesome, non-sexual environment.

If you're tuning into my post for the first time, here's a bit of inside info on AANR...It was established over 90 years ago and serves as the authority on wholesome nude recreation.

They monitor and lobby on behalf of the right to enjoy nude recreation in appropriate settings. Its 0ver 30,000 members come from all ethnicities, age groups and walks of life. Many are conservative in their economic and political outlooks and are ecologically minded. One reason nudists are often called naturists!

In the latest news from AANR, in order to provide more information to the public on a new platform, and share stories of first-hand experiences of nude recreation and skinny dipping, AANR is now in partnership with the Naked, Nudists, and Naturists podcast.

Inasmuch as there are numerous naturist podcasts, AANR has elected to align itself with the NNN podcast as it closely associates with the AANR brand’s values and mission. 

The focus of this platform is to discuss and promote naturist values, nude recreation, body acceptance, social naturism, and the joys and challenges of choosing to spend quality time naked. This podcast does not promote swinging, sexual activity, nor aggressive behavior. 

Hosted by Frank Stone and correspondent Lisa Monroe, they celebrate clothes free living with naturist stories and interviews. Each new hour-long episode goes live Saturday mornings. To tune in visit: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/naked-nudists-and-naturists/id1695296974.

 In addition to NNN, there are other quality podcasts in the category you can learn from, such as Naked Age, New Nudist Podcast, Love the Skin You’re In, and Women in Focus. Check them out too.

For more information about AANR, to find an affiliated club/resort/campground near you, and for facts related to nude recreation, visit www.aanr.com or call 1-800-TRY-NUDE (879-6833).

Naturally yours,

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