Aug 20, 2024 5 min read

From Zero To Mountain Hero

Your practical, step-by-step eBook guide that includes everything you need to start hiking.

Hiking in the mountains

Walking is one of the most beautiful ways to spend your free time and absorb stunning nature. But if you are new to mountains, then the whole idea of ​​starting this hobby might be overwhelming.

You probably have a thousand questions swirling in your head:

  • What gear do I need?
  • How should I dress for hiking?
  • Who should I go with?
  • Which trail should I choose?

Totally normal questions, ones I've had myself when I started.

That's exactly why I've written this eBook—to help you cut through some of that confusion so you really can turn that dream into action. I'm here to show you not only how to plan your hikes but also how to do so safely and with confidence.

This eBook was designed very deliberately in a really simple, easy-to-get-through format that will walk its reader through all the steps to plan their first successful hike.

Inside, you will find almost everything I wish I had known before hitting the trails. These are things you won't easily find on the internet, at least not all together in one place and not so transparently explained. Thanks to explanatory sketches and practical examples, you will soon be ready for your first steps in the mountains.

What You Will Learn From This eBook?

  • How to hike safely

You will learn how to plan your routes according to the season and everything you need to do before and during the hike to return home safely every time.

  • How to organize your own trips

You will learn how to become an autonomous organizer so you can go hiking whenever and wherever you want, without depending on others.

  • How to dress for the mountains

You will learn what clothing and footwear are necessary and how to adapt your clothing to the changing mountain weather. In addition, you will receive specific product recommendations (clothing, footwear, equipment).

  • What equipment you need

You will learn about the mountain equipment and items you need on the mountain (spoiler alert: there are far fewer than you think!).

  • Where to check the weather forecast

I'll show you how to check the weather forecast, why it's very important, and how to interpret it, so you're never surprised by bad weather.

  • What to eat on the mountain

You will learn what to take with you in your backpack so that you don't go hungry and don't carry too much food that you will later throw in the trash.

  • How to do your first hike on a budget

You will learn how to start your first hike quickly, without having to spend a lot of money on equipment or other expensive items.

  • How to choose a trail

You will learn an easy way to judge the difficulty of a trail and how to choose it according to the season, so as not to expose yourself to dangers that can lead to serious or even fatal accidents.

  • How to find people to go hiking with

You will receive concrete ideas for finding reliable trail partners and convincing others to join you so that you never stay home because you have no one to go with.

  • How to read maps

Even if you're not friends with maps, I'll explain simply how to decipher a map without having to know every little detail from the start.

Other Questions You Will Find the Answers in This eBook

  1. How do I protect myself from wild animals?
  2. How do I arrange things in my backpack?
  3. Can I start hiking if it's winter?
  4. What do I do if I have altitude sickness?
  5. What mobile apps can I use on the mountain?
  6. Where can I buy hiking maps?
  7. How can I make sure I will see beautiful landscapes on the mountain?

This eBook is for You if

  1. You've never been hiking and you really want to, but you don't know where to start.
  2. You've never been hiking and you really want to, but you have no one to go with / it seems dangerous / too difficult / too expensive.
  3. You've been hiking a few times and feel like you need help, because something went wrong on every trip (you got sick / the trail was too hard / you got caught in the rain or a storm / you were cold / you slipped / you fell / you got injured / your backpack was too heavy / you ran out of water / you got caught in the dark / you got lost / the people you were with were going too fast).
  4. You try to go hiking regularly, but weeks, months go by, and it always remains a dream.
  5. You want to start hiking now, quickly, to have someone explain everything you need to know in simple language, and you don't have time to read about it for months, years, from dozens of different sources.
  6. You've been hiking for a while, but only on trips organized by others, and you want to learn how to plan your own routes.
  7. You go hiking much less often than you'd like, because you always depend on others.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

Am I too old for this?

There is no such thing as too old or too young. Anyone can start hiking, regardless of age, as long as they have no difficulty walking. In this eBook I explain how to choose trails that suit your abilities.

I'm not physically fit. Can I go hiking?

Yes. Although it is somewhat easier for those who are physically fit, this is not a mandatory prerequisite to start hiking. More important is mental preparation, choosing the route and how you manage your effort on the trail, things that I have explained in detail in the eBook. Later you will be able to develop your physical condition as well.

I'm afraid of bears. What do I do?

Many people are afraid to go hiking because of bears, but in the eBook I have explained in detail why you have no reason to worry about this in most mountains.

Is it dangerous to go hiking?

Mountain sports can be dangerous, but hiking on marked trails is only dangerous if you don't do your research beforehand and go without thorough planning. Otherwise, hiking can be a very safe activity if you know what you're doing, and the eBook has exactly this purpose: to teach you what to do to hike safely in the mountains.

How do I receive the eBook and where can I read it?

The eBook is in digital format (pdf), ready to be viewed on a smartphone, but you can just as easily read it on any other device that displays pdf files (any computer, laptop, tablet, etc.).

What do I need to go through the eBook?

Initially, you only need a device (smartphone or computer/laptop), openness and the commitment to devote time to learning.

Can I contact you if I have questions?

Of course! This eBook includes support from me for any questions you may have, so you can email me. I'm here to help if you get stuck at a step or need additional help.

How long does it take to go through the eBook?

Although the eBook could be read from cover to cover in a short time, a realistic time to go through it and assimilate the knowledge would be somewhere around 2 weeks. You can go through the eBook at your own pace, so there is no rule.

I want the eBook! What do I have to do?

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